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The ether of Albert Einstein : What Albert Einstein said that has been forgotten

The ether of Albert Einstein : What Albert Einstein said that has been forgotten

Auteur(s) : Jobard, Robert (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : Books on Demand
Collection(s) :

Public(s) : Tout public
Ean : 9782322455959
Date de parution : 05/09/2022

Résumé : If you ask a physicist to explain ether to you, he will either be embarrassed or he will say that ether does not exist, that it was rejected by Einstein in 1905. But, in1921, Einstein published "The ether and the theory of relativity". After his theory of general relativity, he became aware of the problem posed by deformable space and gravitational waves... ©Electre 2023
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