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Mathematical Stereochemistry

Mathematical Stereochemistry

Auteur(s) : Shinsaku Fujita (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : De Gruyter
Rayon(s) : Sciences

Public(s) : Public motivé
Ean : 9783110728187
Date de parution : 20/09/2021

Résumé :

Chirality and stereogenicity are closely related concepts and their differentiation and description is still a challenge in chemoinformatics. In his 2015 book, Fujita developed a new stereoisogram approach that provided theoretical framework for mathematical aspects of modern stereochemistry. This new edition includes a new chapter on Computer-Oriented Representations developed by the author based on Groups, Algorithms, Programming (GAP) system.

Commandable, envoyé en 4 à 6 jours
168,75 €
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