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Biopolymers and Composites : Processing and Characterization

Biopolymers and Composites : Processing and Characterization

Editeur(s) : De Gruyter
Collection(s) : De Gruyter STEM
Rayon(s) : Sciences

Public(s) : Public motivé
Ean : 9781501521935
Date de parution : 04/10/2021

Résumé :

The growing interest in replacing petroleum-based products by inexpensive, renewable, natural materials will have a significant impact on sustainability, environment, and the polymer industry. This book provides scientists a useful framework to help take advantage of the latest research conducted in this rapidly advancing field enabling them to develop and commercialize their own products quickly and more successfully.

Commandable, envoyé en 4 à 6 jours
100,17 €
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