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Computational Intelligence and Predictive Analysis for Medical Science : A Pragmatic Approach

Computational Intelligence and Predictive Analysis for Medical Science : A Pragmatic Approach

Editeur(s) : De Gruyter
Rayon(s) : Sciences, Informatique

Public(s) : Public motivé
Ean : 9783110714982
Date de parution : 08/11/2021

Résumé :

This book uncovers stakes and possibilities offered by Computational Intelligence and Predictive Analytics to Medical Science. The main focus is on data technologies,classification, analysis and mining, information retrieval, and in the algorithms needed to elaborate the informations. A section with use cases and applications follows the two main parts of the book, respectively dedicated to the foundations and techniques of the discipline.

Commandable, envoyé en 4 à 6 jours
168,75 €
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