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The Lord’s Prayer in the Ghanaian Context : A Reception-Historical Study

The Lord’s Prayer in the Ghanaian Context : A Reception-Historical Study

Auteur(s) : Michael Wandusim (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : De Gruyter

Public(s) : Public motivé
Ean : 9783110735369
Date de parution : 25/10/2021

Résumé :

This study explores the reception history of the Lord's Prayer in the Ghanaian context. After presenting the current state of research in the Lord's Prayer from an exegetical perspective, this book discusses a wide field of hermeneutical approaches, such as inculturation biblical hermeneutics, mother-tongue biblical hermeneutics, African feminist biblical hermeneutics, liberation biblical hermeneutics and post-colonial biblical hermeneutics. Taking the discussions of these approaches together, it was realised that the general hermeneutical setting in Ghana (and Africa as whole) is reader-centred, i.e. the readers play an active role in the hermeneutical process and the results of the hermeneutical process are aimed at the readers’ contexts and the transformation of those contexts.

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