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150 Years Continental : The Skill of Transformation

150 Years Continental : The Skill of Transformation

Auteur(s) : Paul Erker (Auteur), Nils Fehlhaber (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : De Gruyter

Public(s) : Public motivé
Ean : 9783110736953
Date de parution : 25/10/2021

Résumé :

Success and crises, phases of transformation, the employees, and the products: in nine thoroughly researched essays, the book examines the main topics of the company’s history. The "Continental" brand is a focal point, as is the international expansion. It is an entertaining and informative journey through the history of this Hanover-based company with its rich tradition as it embarks into the future of mobility.

Commandable, envoyé en 4 à 6 jours
42,15 €
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